It's all about your systems


You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
— James Clear

This quote has hit a nerve for me today. James is the author of Atomic Habits, a book I'm currently reading. This book has four laws to help you set and maintain good habits that support your goals and change your life.

James' four simple laws are to:

  1. Make it obvious
  2. Make it attractive
  3. Make it easy
  4. Make it satisfying

If your systems follow these principles, your foundation or baseline will be high.

I've got my top five personal goals that I'm working on, and I've also got some positive systems that I use, such as Getting Things Done and slip-box notes. But, in some areas, I am finding it challenging to achieve the results I want.

James' quote above has inspired me to do an audit of the methods I use in the areas of my life where I'm finding challenges. Accepting that my goal is achievable, James hit a nerve with me on this one.

Is my approach relevant, and are my systems supporting me to produce the desired results? If not, what do I need to change or improve?

What about you? Are your systems helping or hindering you? What can you do to build systems that support you in your goals?


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What's your role at work?