Set smarter goals at work to better measure performance
With the end of the year approaching for many of us in jobs, annual review and appraisal season is almost upon us. Learn how to set smarter goals to measure performance better.
With the end of the year approaching for many of us in jobs, annual review and appraisal season is almost upon us.
While this may be back to front, I want to talk about goals in the workplace in this post. Some refer to them as key performance indicators (KPIs), others as objective and key results (OKRs). Whether you use KPI or OKR, they both measure performance against a documented goal.
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
I am certain that you’ve heard of SMART goals. Smart goals refer to goals that are:
An example SMART goal for a salesperson would look like this:
To achieve a 10% year-on-year increase in sales in 2021 on sales made in 2020 as measured by closed deals as of 31 December 2021. :
Specific: The goal is specific as it states time, performance metric, comparative results.
Measurable: The objective is measurable, as it documents a percentage improvement and specifies closed deals and a date.
Achievable: While each situation varies and there will, of course, be sales situations and markets where a 10% increase in sales is not achievable. The number used in this example may be achievable, particularly if you compared it to a goal to achieve a 300% increase in sales.
Relevant: The goal is relevant to a salesperson who would set and agree to such a goal.
Timed: The goal states both the end date and the comparative period in time.
While SMART goals add the relevant framework to performance management and goal setting, they exclude two crucial elements that make SMART goals smarter. From my experience, you should also ensure that in setting a SMART goal, you are equipped for the task and have the resources to achieve the task.
Equipped: If the salesperson does not have a source of leads, prospects, advertising, product or services to sell, they are not equipped to do the task.
Resourced: In addition, the goal is at risk if they do not have the available time or resources such as hardware, software, sales support, assistants, and whatever key resources are essential to achieving the goal.
Using the leads generated by marketing activity and networking, with sales and administrative support, in 2021, achieve a 10% year-on-year increase on sales made in 2020 as measured by closed deals as of 31 December 2021.
This revised goal is smarter than the original goal. In addition, this change puts some of the onus for achieving the goal on the organisation and the employee.
In 2022, I recommend you consider making SMARTER goals with your teams and for yourself.
Who works for who, and why it matters to you?
In your job who do you work for, and who works for you? Your perspective on this can be key in setting yourself and your teams up for success.
Erik Mclean on Unsplash.
In my career so far, I have managed hundreds of people. I've managed small teams and large teams. I've lead teams in multiple countries and industries, in one physical location, and virtual and remote teams across multiple offices and timezones.
The critical question is, who works for who?
Most people believe that the team I have work for me, and any org chart or hierarchy would support that. My employer or customer has hired me to do a job. That's true, just as I've hired my team members and contractors to do a job.
But my job, similar to yours, is to enable my team to do their job. We should resource our teams, equip them with software and hardware, tools and platforms, and training. In addition to this, we must shield them from pointless interruptions within the organisation, the demanding customers, and low-value work. We intercept, deflect, and handle the interruptions that they don't need to avoid slowing them down or distracting them.
By taking this approach, my team can get their job done and deliver on their goals and objectives and the work we have tasked them to do.
I believe that looking at this question in the inverse provides a different perspective. This approach focuses me on enabling my team to do their job. Meaning that team members can do the job I've hired them for, not fighting for scarce resources or drowning in politics, confrontation, and time-wasting.
It also positions each of us as leaders with a function or team performing and delivering a high-quality service. By enabling our teams to do their job correctly, they can also develop their skills, strengths, and careers and grow their sense of job satisfaction.
The combined effect of this also stacks the odds in our favour and enables us to work in roles that we enjoy — a win-win for everyone.
Delivering service quality at scale
One of the challenges we all face is scarce resources. Not having enough time, tools, money, or team members to deliver can be an everyday experience. This scarcity can be overwhelming to those involved in situations where demand exceeds the available supply of a product or service. But could it be that we are looking at our problem in the wrong way?
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
One of the challenges we all face is scarce resources. Not having enough time, tools, money, or team members to deliver can be an everyday experience. This scarcity can be overwhelming to those involved in situations where demand exceeds the available supply of a product or service. But could it be that we are looking at our problem in the wrong way?
In a recent post by Seth Godin - Mouth to mouth resuscitation, he points out the value of this lifesaving intervention. But it does not scale. You cannot perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on more than one person at a time. Yes, you could scale it by training more people, but it is still a service delivered singularly, one at a time.
"It might be the best way to save someone in distress. But it doesn’t scale. You can only offer this sort of lifesaving intervention to one person at a time." — Seth Godin
This analogy has a direct relation to the concept of communications, design, and creative work. As we produce art that's on-brand and relevant to the world we are experiencing, how do you deliver bespoke art at scale?
So far in my career, I've built, managed, and lead the introduction of multiple platforms and technologies. These platforms have supported marketing, content, brand, design, video, and training. In speaking with my team leaders over the last few weeks, I've asked them to to to consider how they could deliver double the amount of work they produce now using tools, technology, and automation?
Seth's post has prompted me to think about this from the root cause. To continue his analogy, if we deliver CPR and do it well, we cannot scale CPR. But is CPR what is required? How else can we provide services around brand and design, content, media, events, video, animation, and web?
This awareness causes me to rethink how else we could solve the problem and produce the same quality results? The service must still restore and maintain the health of the patient.
What service can we deliver of the same quality or better - using technology and automation? One of the questions I'll also be taking a deeper look at is how we could use training to enable the user to self-serve and deflect the need for the service entirely?
A galaxy of inspiration from Douglas Adams
“Writing can be good. You attack it, don’t let it attack you. You can get pleasure out of it. You can certainly do very well for yourself with it!” Douglas Adams
The Guardian has just published an article with a copy that the author Douglas Adams wrote about writing to himself.
It turns out, even celebrated writers who have sold millions of books can still struggle with their craft and their self-belief.
For me, the stand out section is:
“Writing can be good. You attack it, don’t let it attack you. You can get pleasure out of it. You can certainly do very well for yourself with it!”
Douglas Adams
The Guardian has the complete note.
For any current or aspiring writers out there, I'd recommend taking a screenshot of the note. I now have a copy and will use it when I need encouragement or inspiration with my writing.
The importance of having an opportunity
The importance of creating opportunities for your team's talents to shine is critical for managers to understand.
In my work with my team members, I am constantly identifying, or learning about strengths, talents, ambitions, and abilities that my team members have. These spark ideas in me, and this is where my role as a manager and leader is to create the opportunity for my team to expose their talent or skill.
“Ability is nothing without opportunity.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
The importance of creating opportunities for your team's talents to shine is critical for managers to understand.
In my work with my team members, I am constantly identifying, or learning about strengths, talents, ambitions, and abilities that my team members have. These spark ideas in me, and this is where my role as a manager and leader is to create the opportunity for my team to expose their talent or skill.
We then gather feedback and review the project results. Not every ability or talent is a natural fit. But the key is that we try it out. If it works, then everyone is pumped.
If it's not a natural fit or didn't find its place, then the team member will have learnt some lessons from it. This first opportunity and review allow them to tackle it again from another angle, or to tackle it in another environment.
Occasionally, they decide the reality was not as good as the idea, and they can add it to their list of experiences, proud that they gave it a go.
I’ve found this approach to working with my team members is a win for all stakeholders - my team member, myself as a manager who wants to grow the talent, skills, and abilities of my team, and the organisation from trying out new ideas and ways to present at our best.
Although I am typically a loner …
“Although I am typically a loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those whose strive for truth, beauty and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.”
Hang in there. There will be change. We will get to the other side.
“Although I am typically a loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those whose strive for truth, beauty and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.”
A leader is a …
This quote that I discovered via The French History podcast account on Twitter (@FrenchHist).
“One can lead a nation only by helping it see a bright outlook. A leader is a dealer in hope.”
On this element of leadership, I think Napoleon I knew his stuff.
Create. Share. Activate. Empower - The Adobe 2020 Creative Residency and Community Fund
It’s May, so it must be time to meet the new Creative Residents for the 2020 Adobe Creative Residency programme. This year, Adobe has welcomed to new residents …
It’s May, so it must be time to meet the new Creative Residents for the 2020 Adobe Creative Residency programme. This year, Adobe has welcomed two new residents, Christina Poku, a London, UK based photographer.
She’s using photography, GIFs and set design to make staged scenes that explore how technology can create growth, build community and change barriers to access.
The second creative resident for 2020 is Maddy Beard, a UI/UX interaction design based in Denver, Colorado.
Maddy is exploring the use of interaction design to promote mindfulness in daily life. She’s partnering with brands to design experiences that help people use tech as a tool rather than a crutch.
Both of these designers have some impressive work in their portfolio (Christina and Maddy). Combining this with their goals to build community, reducing barriers to access, and to use technology experience as a tool suggests there will be some exciting work from our Creative Residents for 2020.
In addition to the standard program, Adobe has created a new $1 million Community Fund to support creative communities.
This year, in response to the extensive need in the creative community for monetary support and career guidance, we’ve decided to expand the programme. In addition to the new Creative Residents this year, we’re excited to announce a $1 million Creative Residency Community Fund.
Adobe will be using the Community Fund to fund creative projects and to commission work for Adobe projects. You can make an application to the Community Fund online.
I think it is great that Adobe is doing something new to support members of the creative and design industry during these unprecedented times. You can check out the 2019 Creative Residents here.
$300,000 of prizes for visionary mobile design
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you're a creative designer, you may like to submit your work to the Huawei Theme Design Awards 2020 Huawei Theme Design Awards 2020.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
To push the boundaries of design, we are gathering artistic talent from all over the world.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The competition is aiming to celebrate visionary art by creating designs that explore the aesthetics of designing for mobile devices.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]There are four categories that you can enter: themes, watch faces, wallpapers, and cities. You can submit one entry per category. With $300,000 in prizes. One grand prize, 6 prizes in each category, and 98 special prizes.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The deadline to submit your entry is 31 May for the Cities category, and 01 July for the three other categories.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Featured image by Hal Gatewood on[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Working with the noises and sounds in your home to present at your best
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Now that we’ve improved how you present yourself visually on video calls and meetings, we need to address sound, how you can reduce any noisy interruptions to your calls and meetings while working from home.
It’s essential to set yourself up for success in managing interruptions during your calls and meetings as they are sure to happen.Partners, spouses, children, pets, and other unexpected interruptions can happen to any of us. Your partner is checking what time you’re finishing, the doorbell, a pet, or your children coming in to say ‘hello’ to you during a call.It’s easy to manage and to reduce the impact of these interruptions with sound with a few simple approaches.
The biggest advice I can offer in regards to sound is that we all need to learn to use the mute button like a ninja.Figure out if you prefer to use a software or hardware mute switch, and always use this approach. Only take mute off if you are speaking.
Mobile phone, home phone, and tablet
For all calls and meetings put your mobile, phone, or tablet on silent.A useful backup in case you forget to put your phone on silent is to make sure that you have a suitable professional ringtone and alert sounds. Some things can be hard to undo. Hearing your ringtone, or message alerts during a presentation to the Board, that is hilarious on the weekend, is not something you should allow to happen to your career.I repeat, put your devices on silent.[/vc_column_text][us_image image="7268" size="us_600_400_crop" align="center" meta="1"][ultimate_spacer height="32"][vc_column_text]
There are times where I am in a call where I cannot pay attention to someone at my front door. I am lucky enough to have a doorbell that lets me turn the sound off when I am going to be a presenter on a call. If you are not so fortunate then the overarching rule of being on mute at all times, and being ready to mute like a ninja, is your best approach.
Our children are the love of our lives and the centre of our world. They are the most important thing in many of our lives and why we do a lot of the things we do.If your children are older enough to follow instructions, then I recommend that you discuss with them what is an emergency, and what isn’t. If there is an emergency, I’ve asked my children to come in and stand silently at the side of my desk until I speak to them.This approach has enabled me to go on mute and ask them what is up. I can then decide a course of action, and tell my children what to do. This approach has worked for me once or twice and has been necessary so as not to disrupt a call or meeting.If you have younger children, then the best approach is to ensure that the person who is caring for them while you are working is prepared, and preferably can take them outside for their hour of exercise during your most valuable calls.Failing that, be prepared to mute like a ninja.
Unavoidable interruptions
No matter how much advice you take, or preparations made, there is always the chance of an unavoidable interruption. If you are interrupted unavoidably ensure you are on mute and turn your video off. Combined with being on mute, you can resolve many things with minimal disruption to a call or meeting.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Using technology to solve problems is a great idea. From noise-cancelling headphones to shield you from noises around your home, or to reduce the noises from your home being picked up by your microphone while presenting and off of mute.
Wireless headphones
Bluetooth headphones are a huge plus as they allow you to move around more freely. Should you need to get up and move to another room temporarily, or accept a delivery while on mute, you can do this easily with Bluetooth headphones.I have found my Trekz After Shocks to be a great solution to my calls and meetings. They are discreet and sit over your ears and can be ideal for use while presenting. The battery also lasts for a full day of use.[/vc_column_text][us_image image="7267" size="us_600_400_crop" align="center" meta="1"][ultimate_spacer height="32"][vc_column_text]
Noise-cancelling headphones
Noise-cancelling headphones such as those by Apple, Bose, or Sony are fabulous at removing environmental noises that are around you, helping you to focus on your work. However, they do not remove noise from the microphone while you are on a call. Be cautious here as you may think everything is peaceful and tranquil; your fellow participants will hear more than you anticipate.
Noise-cancelling microphone
Noise-cancelling microphones such as those from Plantronics or Jabra are used in call centres to soften and reduce the ambient noise that is picked up by your microphone. I have used these in a small office environment but have not yet found one that works as well as I hope.
Artificial Intelligence noise cancelling
An alternative to a hardware solution is the option to try a software solution with your current setup. Krisp is a software utility that positions itself between Teams and your existing microphone and headphone to use artificial intelligence to filter out unwanted noises.You can download Krisp from for both Windows and macOS. It has a free trial, and then a monthly subscription fee. I have tried this recently on a Mac and found it useful in its use of AI to remove background noise, but it was temperamental on the machine I was using when I tried to join another call. But, it has a free trial, and as they say, your mileage may vary.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
In these uncertain times for us all, working from home has been an enormous success in keeping businesses moving. I want you to be confident that you are presenting yourself at your best, and positively progressing your career. I hope this series has been helpful to you and given you some strategies and approaches to improve your situation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Featured image by Jason Rosewell on[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]